Strands NYT is a new and engaging game by The New York Times Games, that injects fresh energy into the world of word searches. This daily beta game presents...
Calling all word puzzle enthusiasts! Strands NYT, a new and engaging game by The New York Times Games, injects fresh energy into the world of word searches. This daily beta game presents a unique challenge that will have you hunting for words with a thematic connection.
Strands NYT differs from your typical word search. Instead of a jumble of random words, the game presents a grid of letters that conceal words all related to a specific, daily theme. This theme is revealed through a special word called a pangram, which uses all the letters in the grid exactly once.
Strands NYT is currently in beta, so you can be among the first to experience this innovative word game. Head over to The New York Times Games section (link in bio) and add Strands NYT to your daily brain training routine!
Using mouse
there are many other games developed under NYT Mini Crossword, let's try them out